Moment Generating Function

The moment generating function (m.g.f) of a random variable , denoted , is defined as

Moment generating function is very useful in finding out some properties of a random variable. As the following two theorems shows how can we find the means of a random variable by its m.g.f.

Theorem If is a discrete random variable with finite range, Then .

Theorem If is a discrete random variable with infinite range, is the sequence of all points in the range of , and let . Now if there exists such that

Then .

Theorem If is a continuous random variable, let .

  1. There exists a closed interval $A$ such that and for all , exist
  2. For every there exists such that for all and for all

Then .

Proof to both If the conditions are satisfied, We can take the differentiation into expectation because the theorems in analysis tells us we can interchange differentiation with infinite summation or differentiation with integration if conditions 1, 2 are satisfied (See appendix for under what conditions are we allowed to do so).

Definition The nth moment of a random variable is defined as

Reader should be able to varify that (under appropriate conditions), so that provides a nother way tp caluculate variance via moment generating function.

Theorem Uniquess Property of Moment Generating Function.

This is the first theorem you encounter in this textbook that I shall not give it a proof. Because the proof concept is beyond basic analysis.

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