Cumulative distribution Function

Definition Given X, we define the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f) of X to be F(x)=P{Xx}

We denote X has c.d.f F as XF(x) for brevity. And note that F is defined on R.

Cumulative Distribution Function has some useful properties:

(a). c.d.f is right continuous.


From analysis, we know

lim if and only if

And for any in such that , and let be

The choice of was arbitrary, so

(b). c.d.f is non-decreasing.


(d). If , (because and are disjoint set), so

C.d.f and its properties are often useful, because it is independent of the different types of random variable. These properties are true as long as it is a c.d.f of a random variable.

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